How to hire independent contractors
Ready to grow your team? Want to bring on your new team member as an independent contractor?
Over the past twenty years what business owners “think” is an independent contractor has shifted farther and farther from the legal definition.
But the legal definition hasn’t changed.
The reality is that most businesses (big and small) have incorrect beliefs and assumptions about when someone is an employee and when they are an independent contractor.
And according to my sister, an HR director, and based on my own experience…
The #1 mistake most small businesses make is calling team members independent contractors when legally they are employees.
This mistake can lead to some stiff fines and penalties. So calling someone an independent contractor when they are legally an employee isn’t worth it.
This workshop will help you understand what name your team member should have if you are a:
- Maker looking to bring on production and/or shipping help
- Creative looking for help with social media or email marketing
- Coach looking for help with scheduling and onboarding new clients
- Membership community owner looking for a community manager
- Non-designer looking for design help for your social media graphics and product packaging
- Brick-and-mortar retailer looking for an art curator
- Maker looking for booth help for shows
By the end of this workshop, you’ll be able to sleep well knowing you’ve hired your team member with the right name. (Or if you can’t afford to do so yet, know the full risks involved.)
What do I have for you?
- a 99-minute video lesson breaking down the legal rules around team members, without using legal jargon
- a written transcript of the lesson, for those that prefer to read
- a flowchart to help you decide exactly what name your team member should have
- a discount on Gusto payroll services
- a prioritized to-do list so you can implement what you learned
- 86-minutes of time-stamped recorded Q&A sessions, answering questions like,
- Will I be paying more out-of-pocket when I bring someone on as an employee versus when they are an independent contractor?
- What if someone is only employed a few days a year, how does that work?
- What if I hire a business that does virtual assistant services? Is my risk lower?
- Is my risk lower when I’m hiring another company?
- How far can they go back and assess fines and penalties?
- If I’m trying to build a business that I’m not as involved in, what’s the solution?