Strongest Protection Bundle

I know that dealing with copycats requires attacking from several fronts!
This take action bundle will give you the resources (and confidence) to take action against your copycats.
This bundle includes:
- a course on how to register your copyrights (a la carte price $215)
- a workshop on questions you need to answer to decide if you can, can’t, or shouldn’t take action against your copycat (a la carte price $40)
- a workshop on the six actions you can take against your copycat (a la carte price $40)
- a copyright cease and desist letter template (a la carte price $65)
What’s included in the dealing with copycats workshop
This workshop will help you understand when it’s worth the investment to go after a copycat. You’ll learn:
- the 5 questions you need to answer to decide if you can, can’t, or maybe shouldn’t take action against a copycat
- why copyright registration is a critical tool to stopping copycats
- why it’s important to continue putting your work out there, despite the copycats
What do I have for you?
- a 53-minute video lesson breaking down the questions you need to answer to decide if you can, can’t, or maybe shouldn’t take action against this copycat
- a written transcript of the lesson, for those that prefer to read
- a prioritized to-do list so you can implement what you learned
- 43-minutes of time-stamped recorded Q&A sessions, answering questions like,
- What extra steps are required for infringement outside U.S.?
- How do I protect myself if copycats steal bits and pieces of my work?
- When is something considered published?
What’s included in the how to take action workshop
This workshop will help you understand when it’s worth the investment to go after a copycat. You’ll learn:
- the 5 questions you need to answer to decide if you can, can’t, or maybe shouldn’t take action against a copycat
- why copyright registration is a critical tool to stopping copycats
- why it’s important to continue putting your work out there, despite the copycats
What do I have for you?
- a 53-minute video lesson breaking down the questions you need to answer to decide if you can, can’t, or maybe shouldn’t take action against this copycat
- a written transcript of the lesson, for those that prefer to read
- a prioritized to-do list so you can implement what you learned
- 43-minutes of time-stamped recorded Q&A sessions, answering questions like,
- What extra steps are required for infringement outside U.S.?
- How do I protect myself if copycats steal bits and pieces of my work?
- When is something considered published?
What’s included in copyright cease and desist letter template
Has someone used your work without your permission? And would you like to strike back by sending a cease and desist letter?
Then this template is for you! It’s detailed copyright cease and desist letter template that you can customize and use to send to your copycat.
When you might want to use this template:
- if you are dealing with a fellow creative or small brand rather than a medium to large brand (since what you can get financially might not exceed the cost of an attorney)
- if your usual licensing fee is less than it will cost you to hire an attorney
- you didn’t register work with the Copyright Office in one of our two magic windows and you are unable to find an attorney willing to help you out for a cost you can afford
- if you have the do-it-yourself mentality and you don’t want to bring on an expert (yet)
What do I have for you?
- Instant access to a Google Doc template that you can save to your own Google Drive or download to edit
- A sample cease and desist letter that was prepared using the template so you can see how a lawyer would customize it
- Instant access to an ~7-minute closed-captioned video helping you understand what to include in the letter (and more importantly, what not to include)
- Instant access to the written transcript of the video as a Google Doc for those who prefer to read